Order delivery

How the delivery process of your order works

What shipping service do you use?

We use DHL's express courier service, which delivers in the European Union to most locations within 24 hours of dispatch. In some cases more remote locations from the airport may take more days for delivery. You can estimate the delivery time to your postcode location in the price calculation form below.

Estimate the number of days for delivery to your address
How long will it take to dispatch the goods by courier after I place the order?
Order plain

If you submit (confirm and pay) the order for NO-PRINT wristbands in our e-shop by 11:00 AM on a business day, your order will be processed, packed, and shipped by DHL courier the same day. After 11:00 AM, we cannot guarantee 100% that the order will be shipped that day, but it will certainly be sent the next business day.

If you need the wristbands delivered the next day and it is after 11:00 AM, contact us immediately after placing the order, and we will do everything possible to pack and ship your goods the same day, if the DHL courier is still available. Usually, the latest possible time to catch the last pickup is around 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM.

If the order is for a large quantity of goods or there is another reason why we cannot ship the order immediately, we will contact you by email, WhatsApp, or phone to arrange how and when your order can be delivered. Delivery of your order by DHL occurs after an estimated number of business days, which depends on your delivery address location. You can check the delivery time to your address by entering your postal code into our DHL estimate calculator, but most EU locations are within a 24-hour delivery area.

However, there may be situations where the courier experiences delays due to package handling errors or capacity issues, which can extend the delivery time. In such cases, it is out of our hands, and we cannot do anything about the delayed shipment. On a positive note, such cases are very rare, but you must always consider that when ordering at the last minute, it is not possible for us to guarantee 100% next-day delivery after dispatch.

Order Wristbands TYVEK with print

If you order Wristbands TYVEK with print in our e-shop by 9:00 AM on a business day, your order will be processed immediately. A preview of the print will be sent to you by email and WhatsApp (if you have provided us with a WhatsApp contact phone number) within a few minutes. If you confirm the accuracy of the preview immediately, it is possible that we will send your personalized wristbands the same day. Prompt response to our messages via email or WhatsApp is crucial if you need the wristbands quickly.

Please, when placing your order, specify the exact delivery date or the date of your event. This allows us to prioritize the most urgent orders. In our production, we strive to speed up the process as much as possible so that we can deliver your order before the scheduled date.

The order is packaged and shipped by courier the same day after printing and drying, if the ordered quantity allows. However, we cannot guarantee immediate dispatch for large orders, but we guarantee that we will do everything to save your event. If you order after 9:00 AM, we cannot 100% guarantee that the order will be shipped the same day. However, if you confirm the print preview immediately, we will ship it the next business day.

Contact us immediately after ordering if it is after 9:00 AM and you need the goods urgently. We will try to produce and ship the goods the same day if the situation allows.

Delivery of your order by DHL occurs after an estimated number of business days, which depends on your delivery address location. You can check the delivery time to your address by entering your postal code into our DHL estimate calculator, but most EU locations are within a 24-hour delivery area.

Remember that for last-minute orders, we cannot guarantee 100% certainty of delivery the next day. In case of any delays or problems that are beyond our control, we will inform you and arrange alternative solutions.

Order Wristbands vinyl with print

If you order VINYL wristbands with print in our e-shop, your order will be processed immediately. A preview of the print will be sent to you by email and WhatsApp (if you have provided us with a WhatsApp contact phone number) within a few minutes. If you confirm the accuracy of the preview, we can begin print preparation. Vinyl wristbands are printed in batches and take a minimum of 2-3 days to be fully prepared for shipment. Print preparation takes about 1 working day; printing and drying require another 1-2 working days. Therefore, it is not possible to ship vinyl wristbands with print within 1 day, and you should expect longer processing times for your order. A prompt response to our messages via email or WhatsApp and quick approval of the print preview are crucial if you need the wristbands quickly and wish to catch the earliest printing process to ship your order as soon as possible.

Please, when placing your order, specify the exact delivery date or the date of your event. This allows us to prioritize the most urgent orders. In our production, we strive to speed up the process as much as possible so that we can deliver your order before the scheduled date.

Your order is packaged and shipped by courier the same day after printing and drying.

Delivery of your order by DHL occurs after an estimated number of business days, which depends on your delivery address location. You can check the delivery time to your address by entering your postal code into our DHL estimate calculator, but most EU locations are within a 24-hour delivery area.

Remember that for last-minute orders, we cannot guarantee 100% certainty of delivery in time. In case of any delays or problems that are beyond our control, we will inform you and arrange alternative solutions.

Order Fullcolor wristbands

If you order Wristbands with FULL COLOR print in our e-shop by 9:00 AM on a business day, your order will be processed immediately. A preview of the print will be sent to you by email and WhatsApp (if you have provided us with a WhatsApp contact phone number) within a few minutes. If you confirm the accuracy of the preview immediately, it is possible that we will send your personalized wristbands the same day. Prompt response to our messages via email or WhatsApp is crucial if you need the wristbands quickly.

Please, when placing your order, specify the exact delivery date or the date of your event. This allows us to prioritize the most urgent orders. In our production, we strive to speed up the process as much as possible so that we can deliver your order before the scheduled date.

The order is packaged and shipped by courier the same day after printing and drying, if the ordered quantity allows. However, we cannot guarantee immediate dispatch for large orders, but we guarantee that we will do everything to save your event. If you order after 9:00 AM, we cannot 100% guarantee that the order will be shipped the same day. However, if you confirm the print preview immediately, we will ship it the next business day.

Contact us immediately after ordering if it is after 9:00 AM and you need the goods urgently. We will try to produce and ship the goods the same day if the situation allows.

Delivery of your order by DHL occurs after an estimated number of business days, which depends on your delivery address location. You can check the delivery time to your address by entering your postal code into our DHL estimate calculator, but most EU locations are within a 24-hour delivery area.

Remember that for last-minute orders, we cannot guarantee 100% certainty of delivery the next day. In case of any delays or problems that are beyond our control, we will inform you and arrange alternative solutions.

How much will the shipping cost?
Carrier Weight from Weight to Tyvek 3/4" Tyvek 1" Vinyl Laser 3/4" Price ( VAT excl. )
DHL Express DHL Express
DHL Express
0 Kg
0.5 Kg
Tyvek 3/4"
100 - 1000
Tyvek 1"
100 - 700
100 - 100
100 - 400
DHL Express
0.5 Kg
1 Kg
Tyvek 3/4"
1000 - 2000
Tyvek 1"
700 - 1400
100 - 200
400 - 900
DHL Express
1 Kg
1.5 Kg
Tyvek 3/4"
2000 - 3000
Tyvek 1"
1400 - 2100
200 - 400
900 - 1300
DHL Express
1.5 Kg
2 Kg
Tyvek 3/4"
3000 - 4000
Tyvek 1"
2100 - 2800
400 - 500
1300 - 1800
DHL Express
2 Kg
2.5 Kg
Tyvek 3/4"
4000 - 5100
Tyvek 1"
2800 - 3500
500 - 600
1800 - 2200
DHL Express
2.5 Kg
5 Kg
Tyvek 3/4"
5100 - 10200
Tyvek 1"
3500 - 7100
600 - 1300
2200 - 4500
DHL Express
5 Kg
10 Kg
Tyvek 3/4"
10200 - 20400
Tyvek 1"
7100 - 14200
1300 - 2700
4500 - 9000
DHL Express
10 Kg
20 Kg
Tyvek 3/4"
20400 - 40800
Tyvek 1"
14200 - 28500
2700 - 5400
9000 - 18100
DHL Express
20 Kg
30 Kg
Tyvek 3/4"
40800 - 61200
Tyvek 1"
28500 - 42800
5400 - 8100
18100 - 27200
DHL Express
30 Kg
40 Kg
Tyvek 3/4"
61200 - 81600
Tyvek 1"
42800 - 57100
8100 - 10800
27200 - 36300
DHL Express
40 Kg
100 Kg
Tyvek 3/4"
81600 - 204000
Tyvek 1"
57100 - 142800
10800 - 27000
36300 - 90900